House Rules & Conditions

Every booking and reservation is subject to the Uniform Conditions for the Hotel and Catering Industry (UVH), further information can be found here. In addition, Hotel Umberto also has its own house rules for your and our safety. We ask you to respect and accept these rules.

General rules
All instructions from employees of this hotel, related to house rules, must be followed. Please report complaints to the management.

During all circumstances we respect your privacy, however, we are authorized to enter your room in case of ''non-compliance with our house rules''.


It is not allowed to light candles or incense for fire safety reasons. The fire protection system will be activated immediately. In case of fire, stay calm. Report fire to the front desk and/or punch the nearest fire alarm. In the event of a general fire alarm, leave the building immediately. Under no circumstances use the elevators in case of fire.


Valid identification must be shown at check-in. Check-in is possible from the age of 21. Minors must always be accompanied by a parent/guardian (min. 25 years old).

The presentation of a valid ID is mandatory. If the room is reserved for 2 persons, both must show a valid ID. Unregistered or other hotel guests are not allowed in the room. If other guests are found in the room, you will be asked to leave the hotel immediately.

At various places within the hotel there are cameras, everyone who is in our hotel consents to the making of recordings. In case of calamities and/or incidents, these recordings can be shown to the authorities as supporting material.

Found objects should be handed in at the reception desk.

Hotel Umberto is not responsible for loss or theft of your belongings. The management, the owner of this location and/or persons working for the hotel cannot be held responsible for any injury and/or material or immaterial damage, which visitors of the location may suffer.


Taking hotel property outside the building. Deliberate damage to Hotel Umberto property may result in liability for repair and/or renewal costs.

Consuming, using, dealing or carrying narcotics. Using and/or carrying nitrous oxide during your visit to our hotel. If nitrous oxide is found in the room, you will be asked to leave the hotel immediately.

Cause nuisance to others by loud music, unruly behavior or noise of any kind.

Staying in the room with more than the permitted number of people.

Smoking in the room. If we find that there is smoking in the room, we are obliged to charge €250,- cleaning costs. If the fire alarm goes off due to smoking in the room, you will be charged the fire department's call-out fee of €275.


Spreading confetti in your hotel room, if we find this we will charge you €25,00 cleaning costs.

Leaving your room, more than what is reasonable, soiled. With normal use there will be at most some scraps, crumbs, a piece of paper on the floor. For any situation that exceeds normal use we will charge you € 25,00 cleaning fee.

On behalf of the entire team of Umberto we wish you a pleasant stay.
If you have any questions, you can always contact us.